Sunday, September 28, 2014

Personal Praise by Senior Pastor Gail Mullen

Personal Praise by Senior Pastor Gail Mullen 
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Pastor Gail shares about the yoke that keeps us from liberally praising God
The strength of having a attitude of Praise.
Despite what goes on around you, there must be a praise to help guide you.

Keeping your lips closed in personal praise will only smoother you when circumstances arise. 
- Pastor Gail Mullen

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ordination of Richard Mullen & Chameion Sutton by Pastors Nate and Gail Mullen

Ordination of Richard Mullen & Chameion Sutton by Pastors Nate and Gail Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Young Ministers are ordained in a message that shares that the call to spread the gospel should't be taking lightly. The words of wisdom that were shared are sure to inspire all of us to answer the call that God has on our lives.

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, September 15, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude by Pastor Nate Mullen

Attitude of Gratitude by Pastor Nate Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Many are depressed and have lost the joy that will help them be victorious
When things are going tough in your life are you still grateful?
Tune in and hear how God showed up in Pastor Nate's life and how he can do the same for you!
I found that gratitude is the road to the joy of the Lord - Pastor Nate Mullen

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, September 8, 2014

Finish The Race by Pastor Nate Mullen

Finish The Race by Pastor Nate Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

You must continue to pursue who God has called you to be
Some times we may not win the race but its all about making sure you finish the course or race.
There may be some things that happen in life that cause you to fall and want to give up.

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

One Step Beyond by Pastor Nate Mullen

One Step Beyond by Pastor Nate Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Many walk in circles because of the fear of moving forward.
What and where is your step beyond?
It's time for you to move forward in new territory that you have yet to reach!
Find out if you are a Faith Stepper???
Many of us have been frozen in time and space... because we are afraid to take a step beyond where we are at - Pastor Nate Mullen

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media