Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Power Words pt 5 by Pastor Nate Mullen

(to hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

Pastor Nate Continues the series on Power Words 
In this message he speaks on the Power Word of Love
How does Love show its face in the area of Forgiveness
 What is the most important reason we must go to church
Find out how to make sure you have this Word of Love working with POWER in your Life!!

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, March 18, 2013

Power Words pt 4 by Pastor Nate Mullen

(To hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

The Prophet Isaiah was the man he was next in charge to the King but THEN God visited him
What are we like before God Visits us
Many are locked into a Fantasy world 
What happens when our world falls down
The Power Words Holiness Sanctification & Glorification
Is Holiness necessary if we have God's Grace???

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, March 11, 2013

Power Words pt 3 by Pastor Nate Mullen

(to hear this sermon click on the title directly above)
Pastor Nate Mullen continues the Power Words Series
In this sermon he addresses the word Dunamas & Exousia
Why are Christians Powerless???
What is the point of Having the Holy Spirit as a Christian???
Should believers be aggressive and if so how???
Weapons of Today and War
The Force of Prayer

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
 Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, March 4, 2013

Power Word pt 2 by Pastor Nate

(To hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

Pastor Nate Mullen Continues his message on Power Words
This week he focuses on Repentance
What are some things that Repentance does???
What happens when you don't Repent??? 
How does Pride Affect and Effect our mindset towards Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand!

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media