Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Belivers Manifesto by Pastor Nate Mullen

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Who Are You???
1 Timothy 6:11-16 The Weight of Glory
5 Things that a Believer must declare and make public!!!
Enjoy this powerful word by Pastor Nate 
Victorious Life Christian Center  
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Wisdom by Pastor Gail Mullen

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

 Pastor Gail gives clarity on the difference between Earthly Wisdom and Godly Wisdom
Paul's encounter with God changed his wisdom. 
We must hold fast to what we believe and stand on the word of God. 
 The Gospel and Wisdom

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, November 4, 2013

Faith by Pastor Nate Mullen

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Pastor Nate Mullen preaches about Faith and the 5,000
The Faith and The Prayer Life
Trusting God by Faith
God is waiting on you to get out of the boat so he can move supernaturally in your life

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Doing the Much Needed by Pastor Gail Mullen

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Pastor Gail Mullen preaches on Martha and Mary and the good addiction and bad addiction
What are the Addictions in your life
What happened when Jesus came to visit Martha and Mary
The real cares of this life

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media