Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Taking Care of Your Mind by Pastor Nate Mullen

 (to hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

Your Thought life can be changed by the word of God
Many people don't reach their potential in Christ because they aren't feeding there mind with the word of God
As a Man thinks in his Heart so is he Proverbs 23:7
How should your mind be transferred to your children

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why are We Here by Pastor Nate

(to hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

 Why are we here???
Ecclesiastes 12:13
Mark 12:28 -31
We must sift out of our lives what is not right with God
Reverence God – Acknowledge him in every area of or lives
Seek God and apply our mind; approach him intently
Read and prove that we are interested
With all our strength:  it requires our strength to acknowledge God (do it despite how we feel)
We must love and care about others as we do ourselves – (Love your neighbor).
Let the Word penetrate and saturate our souls
Psalms 56:8

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Love/Hate Relationship by Min Chameion

(to hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

There's a thin line between Love and Hate what is it???
God's relationship to mankind
What's love got to do with it???
1 John 4:7
Proverbs 1:22
Genesis 6:5
God is perfect love but against sin he is perfect hate
We must Believers know where we stand and who we stand for???

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle 
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Resurrected Savior by Pastor Gail Mullen

(to hear this sermon click on the title directly above)

The Invitation that God has given us is the greatest Invitation of all Time
The signs wonders and miracles Jesus did and belief inside what the Scriptures say
Us Being Born in sin and Rebellion towards God
Freedom of the Chains of sin and the compounding of sin
What if Judas asked for forgiveness

Victorious Life Christian Center 
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Pastor Nate & Gail Mullen 
 Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media