Sunday, November 29, 2015

Choose To Fight by Pastor Nate Mullen

Choose To Fight by Pastor Nate Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

When you are confronted you have to options Fight or Flight
Whose battle is it?? 2 Chronicles 20:14-30
The value of the prize is the reason why we fight.
Stop running and choose to fight for your faith!

There is nothing more powerful than a sanctified mind! 
-Pastor Nate Mullen

Have a prayer request?  Click the link to submit your request today!

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Senior Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Giving Thanks by Pastor Nate Mullen

Giving Thanks by Pastor Nate Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Pastor Nate shares the importance of us being thankful for the relationships God has given to us.
David the man after God's heart Psalms 105:1 & 107:1
Being thankful for the grace and mercy God has given to us.
Learn about the heart God has towards those who are consistently giving thanks.
God Bless You & Happy Thanksgiving from Victorious Life Christian Center!

Have a prayer request?  Click the link to submit your request today!

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Senior Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Thief by Brother Tommy Samson

The Thief by Brother Tommy Samson
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Brother Tommy comes and shares a word for us to guard ourselves from the thief.
The devil try to steal the word of God from Jesus and he continues to do this same thing to us.
The consistency of God keeping His Word, the enemy continuing to fight the word.
Will we stay consistent in stepping towards righteousness.
Learn the importance of keeping God's word as defense in your life.

Have a prayer request?  Click the link to submit your request today!

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Senior Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Treasures of the Heart by Senior Pastor Nate Mullen

The Treasures of the Heart by Senior Pastor Nate Mullen (To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Pastor Nate shares a sermon about "The Treasures of the Heart".
The declaration of righteousness by God himself.
Will the things you treasure still be the same as time changes.
The fruits that come from you life vs trying to do the right thing.
What are the things that bring joy to your heart and what brings joy to God's heart!

Have a prayer request?  Click the link to submit your request today!

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Senior Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Greatest Life Ever Lived by Pastor Nate Mullen

The Greatest Life Ever Lived by Pastor Nate Mullen
(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Paul sharing that for him to Live is Christ and what that means!
The importance and power of living in the image of Christ.
Really having a taste of Gods goodness.
Tune in and learn more about Christ, the life He lived and the connection that has with His church.

Have a prayer request?
Click the link to submit your request today!

Victorious Life Christian Center
The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry & Lifestyle
Headed by Senior Pastors Nate & Gail Mullen
Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media